martes, 17 de julio de 2018

My favorite animal

Mi favorite animal is the Guanaco. Its animal live in the mountain range and their conservation state is critic. I particular loves this animal because can survive to extreme temperature and is very discreetly, especially in front of unknown factors. I like this animal since I was a child, because be able to see this wonderful animal in the wildlife. I think that the protection of their life is very important in the ecosystem. A curious datum is that where I live, the people went out this animals  to use their wool and eat its beef.
In general its animal is frequently represent in the arqueologic cultures in different contexts, but I can see that is more common see this representation in the cave art, probably for their importance for the ancient peoples and theirs subsistences. Itsa very interesting point, because its relate with many belief, for example, its known for their fertility and for this, many people think that is synonym of good harvest.
In general I can say that not believe in the "inner animal" because it's only a form of search other characteristic in our minds.
Well, for this, and many others wonderfuls characteristic and factors, the Guanaco is my favorite animal.
                My favorite animal

domingo, 15 de julio de 2018

A good job 

I am currently studying archeology and it is in this discipline that I hope to be able to perform in the future. But first of all I would like to clarify that in this area there are many possible jobs, such as work in museums, environmental impact, academic and scientific work, or directly in the field as identification and recovery of archaeological sites. It is in this last aspect where I would like to work exactly, since I believe that it is urgent to preserve heritage and history itself in order to preserve all that is currently so unprotected and invisible.
To carry out this work it is necessary to be able to have a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology with a major in Archeology, so first it is necessary that I can graduate after having successfully completed all my branches, including English :).
To be able to perform in a good fieldwork, I must have the knowledge to do a good job of prospecting, to be able to recognize the different sites, as well as to know the existing safeguards at the state level by the different sites, such as the laws of heritage conservation.
An important area in which I would also like to perform in the realization of the so-called "Archeology of the present" where I hope to be a contribution in delivering evidence that allows the current indigenous peoples have the right to lands that ancestrally have always belonged to them. .
 The latter would bring me an important satisfaction as it would directly help in the protection of culture and the defense of the rights of peoples and their heritage.
Oil paintings

About four years ago I made my first oil painting, at that time I had art classes in my high school and a very good teacher, who with great patience taught me this painting technique, as well as many others.
Since then I have not stopped painting whenever I have the chance, because it is a very good way to relax, express feelings and occupy time well.
I remember that when I started I had a little insecurity with technique and methodology, I felt very limited, but eventually over time, I saw that it was only insecurities, which I could leave behind thanks to practice and perseverance.
Last year I had the opportunity to join another painter, to be able to make an exhibition of our works, in which we presented around fifteen works each, with the name of "Strokes and gestures", which was exhibited in the House of culture from the city of Illapel for about a month and that had great audience attendance.
Today I'm still painting but I only do it occasionally since the university does not give me time to invest in things that I really like, such as art, music, writing, or many other things. Either way, these are things that I hope I will never stop doing.

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