miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

Life as a constant learning

I've always loved learning new things, all of them, I think we have infinite learning possibilities and we can not miss them.
He learned to do many things, such as manual tasks and artistic work, I can say that he left many things half done, I think my room is full of things he learned, but not necessarily finished, for example. fabrics, embroideries, paintings, sculptures, among others. I believe that learning is not only learning something, but also going further, using that same knowledge in other ways.
Something that I would like to learn now is Danza Afro, I think it is very liberating to learn because it implies a reconnection with your own body, with your being and your feeling.
Also, something he wanted to do for a long time is to learn how to weave in the Andean loom, or Mapuche loom.
Another thing I would like to do is ride and climb, I am passionate about extreme sports and there is a lot that I would like to practice. The only problem to do some things that I would like to learn is time. I have always criticized the academy for totally absorbing all our time, as being a student a very large part of my time has been invested in just studying, and I am very happy about the things that I would really like to do.

2 comentarios:

  1. How great, I love the things you want to do, one day invite me to ride or climb, and I also like the things you do to teach me at some time we have.

  2. Like you, I would like to do ride and climb, I think that could be really interesting, and could help me to connect with nature much more.


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