domingo, 15 de julio de 2018

Oil paintings

About four years ago I made my first oil painting, at that time I had art classes in my high school and a very good teacher, who with great patience taught me this painting technique, as well as many others.
Since then I have not stopped painting whenever I have the chance, because it is a very good way to relax, express feelings and occupy time well.
I remember that when I started I had a little insecurity with technique and methodology, I felt very limited, but eventually over time, I saw that it was only insecurities, which I could leave behind thanks to practice and perseverance.
Last year I had the opportunity to join another painter, to be able to make an exhibition of our works, in which we presented around fifteen works each, with the name of "Strokes and gestures", which was exhibited in the House of culture from the city of Illapel for about a month and that had great audience attendance.
Today I'm still painting but I only do it occasionally since the university does not give me time to invest in things that I really like, such as art, music, writing, or many other things. Either way, these are things that I hope I will never stop doing.

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