miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Play the Guitar

Hello everyone!

Today I will talk about an activity that I do in my free time.

In general, I can say that I occupy my free time in many ways, one of them is painting, as well as I enjoy writing, reading and doing and trekking. I especially like to start new things, but the lack of free time always prevents me from doing these things and the others that I like.
Something that certainly did not stop doing in my free time is playing the guitar, hobby that I really enjoy and that has helped me a lot to cope with the difficulty of being away from my home and having to study at the university.
In general, I do this activity four or five days a week, even for a very short time, as I need to avoid stress and encourage me to continue studying.
This activity can be done in any place where my guitar is performed, but I prefer to practice in my room, or where only I can listen to myself.
I like doing this activity because I think the music is wonderful, as a very special way to express your feelings and materialize them in the form of sound. I also believe in music as a form of protest, as a way of expressing your own discourse and being able to do, I believe that it is capable of reaching people everywhere. Honestly someday I would like to make my own compositions on guitar and turn them into a song, perhaps combining a bit this with the poems he wrote.
I would like to recommend this activity that you want to learn something new and make the most of your free time.

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

Some interesting Apps

All days we use many Apps in our phones. In particulary, y can say that enjoy Instagram specially, because this plataform you can share many pictures. Generally, I use this App for share many photos of differents and beautiful moments.   I like this Apps because I also can see the photography work of other persons in differents parts of the world, and whit this I can known  understand others  photography techniques. 

I can recommend this Apps for alls persons that be interested in the photography, or simply enjoy share differents moments with their friends.

About this I can say that is very important discern in the implicances that would mean the use of this App many time or excessively, because will be many addictive.

Other App that I enjoy frequently is Spotify because whit this App you can listen to music all day. Is very useful in alls the moments in that you need complement your life with some song. A good example of this is when you need music for a a party, in this case you can search a playlist and start the party with many energize!.  I recommended this App because is very useful in any contexts in that you need good music in your phone. Some relevant in this App is that you have to pay monthly or annually for use it service.

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